Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday, June 23 - Brady has a new buddy - Scott! Isn't God good? The morning with the two brothers in the same house, couldn't have been worse. Late morning, I took Cooper and Scott to a park to play with some other children while the mom's attempted (with some success) to discuss a book we are reading for a Bible study. Other than a major pout when told he couldn't stay on the monkey bars any longer (due to a line of kids patiently waiting for him to get off) he did GREAT (shirt was 1/2 soaked with sweat, poor kid - this 95 degree heat and humidity is tough). The afternoon was spent at the pool and Scott and Brady kept their distance while Brady got to pick on someone else's (older son). BUT, as I write, the two of them are sitting on Brady's bed watching Bibleman (Brady's favorite) and Scott has been walking around singing the Bibleman jingle! He's pulling out Brady's books and Brady is fine. How sweet it is to have siblings getting along!!!

9:03pm - Just tucked the two little ones in bed (same room) after sitting and reading Scott books, one on one. Scott said "hug" and opened his arm to me for a big hug and kiss (his initiative) and laid down with a smile (huge contrast to last night). He tucked his two bears in at the foot of his bed on a Dora pillow and is holding tight to the other one. W said our prayers together with a "bless daddy" on Scott's part. SWEET! Yes, we can do this! Somebody out there is praying because this is way better than I thought it could be 24 hours ago.

1 comment:

  1. Yes Kirby alot of prayer is what gets you through every day. Please remember that God called you guys to do this and you will make it, I promise. Nancy
